Container Drive # 1
Come help make our first container drive of the season a success. PLEASE have your empties out by the road by 8am on Monday morning. It's a big help if […]
Come help make our first container drive of the season a success. PLEASE have your empties out by the road by 8am on Monday morning. It's a big help if […]
It's time to wake up the buoys, get them out of the barn, and get them ready for yet another boating season on the lake! The PLPA maintains the lake […]
The buoys and hazard markers will be placed in the Lake on Saturday, May 17.
Come help make our sedond container drive of the season a success. PLEASE have your empties out by the road by 8am on Tuesday morning. It's a big help if […]
Come help make our third container drive of the season a success. PLEASE have your empties out by the road by 8am on Monday morning. It's a big help if […]
Come help make our fourth container drive of the season a success. PLEASE have your empties out by the road by 8am on Monday morning. It's a big help if […]
Come help make our fifth container drive of the season a success. PLEASE have your empties out by the road by 8am on Monday morning. It's a big help if […]
Come help make our sixth and LAST container drive of the season a success. PLEASE have your empties out by the road by 8am on Monday morning. It's a big […]
Time to take the buoys and hazard markers out of the lake and put them in their winter home. We DEFINITELY need volunteers for this one. We need help cleaning […]