Snowfall may set record
For those of you who spent time or stayed at the lake this winter, this may have been truly the winter of your discontent. While we’re certainly no stranger to […]
Peck Lakers “Start your Kayaks”
Sign ups continue for Saturday’s (August 5th) Canoe/Kayak Race in the West Bay starting at 8:30AM.Each paddler will receive a participation gift!Please click this…
Snowmobile removed from lake
We have been informed that the snowmobile that had sunk in the lake as a result of the tragic accident this winter has been…
Know the lake rules!
Speeding boats are destructive and DANGEROUS. Jim McCulley (PLPA President) — In cooperation with the Peck’s we have been working to educate boaters of…
Third Deposit Drive Results
By Clif Wassell (Lake Committee Chair) – On Wednesday, July 5th, the third deposit container drive for 2023 was held. The container collection was very respectable…
School House Pancake Breakfast
By Tony Callanan — There is going to be an all you can eat pancake breakfast to benefit the Pecks Lake Schoolhouse/Museum on Saturday…
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