Peck’s Lake FAQs
Answers to some frequently asked questions about the PLPA and life at the lake.
To access the answer to a particular question click the down arrow to the right of the question.
Why Should I join or renew my membership in the PLPA?
- If you have a boat – did you know that the PLPA funds and provides the labor for the Buoy Placement, Maintenance and Repair, keeping you and your boat safe from rocks and dangerous areas?
- If you fish, did you know that the PLPA funds and operates the fish stocking program at the Lake?
- If you hike, snowshoe or cross-country ski, did you know that the PLPA maintains 7 miles of the hiking trails along the North Shore that are accessible only to PLPA members and guests of the Peck’s?
- Did you know that the PLPA sponsors or helps organize (often with the Peck family) social activities on and at the Lake, including the Summerfest, the Caroga Arts Music Festival, the Chicken BBQ, the Fireworks, Craft Fairs?
- Did you know that the PLPA organizes the Spring Clean Up, keeping our roads clean from debris and garbage?
- Did you know that PLPA members work with local propane companies to get the best deals for Lake residents?
- Did you know that the PLPA recently created an Invasive Species Committee to learn more about invasive aquatic species and how we can protect the lake?
- Did you know that the PLPA owns and is responsible for maintaining the mailboxes on the North and South Shore?
These are just some of the reasons to join or renew your membership in the PLPA. While our dues are a significant part of our annual budget – we still rely heavily on donations and the proceeds from events like the container drives. Given all the PLPA does for the lake and the lake community, you get a lot of value for your $50 lot/homeowner or $25 camper dues.
So, please, if you’ve been a member renew your PLPA membership. If you’re not a member, or maybe let your membership lapse, please join!
Can I rent my property as a Short-Term rental?
No, short-term rentals are prohibited by the restrictive covenants that are part of every Peck’s Lake property deed. You can find out more by clicking this link.
When is Garbage and Recycling Pickup?
Bleecker residents have their garbage picked up by the town. Generally, garbage is picked up by the town on Wednesday.
- However, if there is a Highway Department holiday on Monday or Tuesday, then pick-up in Bleecker is delayed until Thursday.
- There are 9 Highway Department Holidays that can impact garbage collection: New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day,
- Columbus Day, General Election Day, Veterans’ Day and Christmas. When these holidays fall on a Monday, garbage pickup is delayed till Thursday.
Johnstown residents are responsible to bring their trash to transfer station or hire an independent trash collector.
- The county does recycling pickups for both Johnstown and Bleecker residents. On North Shore Road, collections are on the first and third Thursdays of the month. On South Shore Road, collections are on the second and fourth Fridays. It is possible that from one month to the next, there may be three weeks between collections.Place a recycling sticker on recycling receptacles
- Single stream; no bag needed (except for shredded paper that should be placed in clear plastic bag) – single stream
- Plastic grocery bags are not accepted (recycle plastic bags at grocery stores)
Where is the Transfer Station?
On 29A east of CVS – 876 East Fulton Street Extension (29A), Johnstown
– Town of Bleecker: Permit sold by Bleecker Town Clerk (@ Sawdust Café on Hwy 112)
– Town of Johnstown: Permit sold by Johnstown Town Clerk (@ Johnstown Town Hall)
Where do I get my Mail?
▪ The North Shore (including side streets) and South Shore get their mail at the Cluster mailboxes located at the North and Shore Road entrances. The mailboxes are maintained by the PLPA. Mail service is the responsibility of US Postal Service.
▪ New homeowners and outgoing homeowners should notify USPS of change of address.
▪ Locked mailboxes are for mail and small packages; cubbyholes on the South Shore and black mailboxes on the North Shore (above locked boxes) are used for newspaper delivery.
▪ Address for mailing should be the 911 street address (not the Peck’s Lake lot number)
▪ Mailbox keys:
- When a house is sold, and the previous owners pass on a key or keys, then it is the new owner’s option to make duplicate key(s) This can be done at any hardware/home improvement store for a nominal charge (usually less than $5)
- If the previous owners did not pass on the keys, (or, if they never had a Peck Lake
mailbox) then the PLPA coordinates with the Post Office and has the lock changed with the issuance of 2 new keys. (Cost to new owner = $75). - If an existing owner loses one of their keys, they can, as mentioned, in #1 above use
their existing key to have a duplicate made at their expense. - If all keys are lost, then it becomes the same as situation in #2 above and the lock must be changed via the PLPA/Post Office at a cost of $75 to the owner.
- ▪ If you are a new homeowner and did not receive a mailbox key or an existing mailbox holder and have lost your keys, please send an e-mail note to [email protected] to arrange for a new lock and keys ($75)
Are packages delivered to my home (Amazon, etc.)?
▪ UPS and FedEx deliver directly to homes
▪ USPS will deliver small packages to central mailboxes; packages that don’t fit into the boxes are held at the post office for pickup. Only packages with a Sunday delivery date are delivered directly to homes by USPS
How can I get a 911 Reflective Street Address Sign?
We encourage all homeowners to have a 911 house/driveway marker signs – to make your
home readily visible to emergency crews
▪ Please contact Kathy Henry ([email protected]) for ordering/pricing/installation
What is the Peck’s Lake Protective Association (PLPA)
The PLPA was incorporated in 1973 “for the mutual advancement of the interest of its
members owning property at or near Peck Lake” and to “preserve the original peace and
tranquility of the lands surrounding Peck Lake and to maintain same forever”.
▪ Today’s PLPA works in cooperation with the Peck family through involvement in the local municipalities and school district, environmentally-sound lake stewardship practices, and the sponsorship of numerous community and social events.
How do I become a PLPA member?
▪ Our annual membership drive takes place in February/March each year—but, we welcome homeowners and seasonal campsite renters to join the PLPA members at any time. Please contact [email protected].
Are there hiking, snow shoeing and cross-country skiing trails at Peck’s Lake?
Yes. There are 7 miles of trails that are maintained by the PLPA for use by PLPA members.
▪ The trails are marked with a color-coded marking system that coincides with our trail maps
▪ Maps of the trail system are available to print or download to your mobile device on the
PLPA website (see the Members Only section for trail rules and maps)
▪ ATVs, snowmobiles or other motorized vehicles are not allowed on the trails
Are there PLPA events?
▪ Yes – you can find out what’s going on a Peck’s Lake by visiting our events page.
– Our regular PLPA events include our WinterFest celebration, Spring and Fall group hikes, Summer Fireworks, Peck’s Lake Community Tag Sale, Caroga Music Festival @ Peck’s Lake, and a Holiday Dinner Party (to name just a few)
– Our calendar is posted to our web site (plpa.org) – and is also included in every edition of the PLPA Newsletter (e-mailed to each member and posted to our website quarterly)
– If you have an idea for another event, please let us know – and, we’re always looking for
volunteers and coordinators
Is there a Peck’s Lake Community Facebook Group?
▪ Yes
– The Peck’s Lake Community Facebook Group is not managed or overseen by the PLPA.
– The group includes many members of our community and can be a useful way to keep in touch with the lake community on social media.
– Group membership is by invite only – if you would like to join, ask one of your Peck Lake
friends to invite you into the group
How is snow removal/road maintenance handled?
Roads are maintained by Johnstown and Bleecker highway departments. Any concerns
regarding road maintenance should be directed to:
– Bleecker Highway Superintendent (Paul Brink): 518-773-1054
– Johnstown Highway Superintendent (Jack Smullen): 518-725-5116
▪ By agreement between the towns, all of South Shore Road is snow plowed by Johnstown and all of North Shore Road is plowed by Bleecker. But each town in responsible for the maintenance of its own roads.
Where can I find the Peck’s Lake Deed Restrictions and Lake Rules?
▪ Your attorney should have reviewed the deed restrictions for your property during the
purchase process. Deeds can be obtained from the Fulton County Clerk’s office. A summary of Deed Restrictions commonly found in our Deeds can be found here, or by clicking on the “In Deed” link on the home page of this website
▪ You can view a summary of the Deed Restrictions and Peck’s Lake rules related to boating, water sports and water safety by clicking the “Lake Rules” link on our home page or by clicking here.
Is there a boat cleaning station?
To avoid spreading invasive species between lakes, we encourage you to clean your boat
whenever you are putting your boat in a different body of water (including Peck’s Lake)
▪ There is a free boat cleaning station located across from Caroga Town Hall (Routes 10 and 29A). It is open from 8am to 6pm Monday – Thursday and from 7am to 7pm Saturdays, Sundays and holidays
Who provides propane services to the lake community?
The PLPA initiates discussions with two of the larger propane/fuel suppliers in the area,
Superior and Amerigas. Over the summer, we send out an email communication to the
PLPA distribution list with the upcoming pricing/offerings from each company. We also post this information to our website (www.plpa.org).
▪ If you consider changing vendors, make sure you find out the terms from your current
provider with respect to: what your existing company will charge you for pump out,
removal of tank, and what price they pay for propane or fuel they pump out.
▪ The PLPA does not get involved in your individual negotiating or signing of contract – we simply coordinate with Amerigas and Superior to get the best pricing they are willing to offer and then to share that communication via our distribution list.
▪ It’s up to you to choose the vendor and pricing arrangement that works best for you.
Remember, you are not limited to just these two companies, you are free to reach out and
negotiate with the company of your choosing.
Where can I find important telephone numbers?
Emergency (Fire/Ambulance/Police): 911
– Fulton County Sheriff (non-emergency): 518-736-2100
– Gloversville Post Office: 518-725-1214
– National Grid (Power Outage): 800-867-5222
– Frontier Telephone: 800-921-8101
– Spectrum/Time Warner Cable: 866-321-2225
– Peck’s Marina: 518-725-1294
– Bleecker Highway Superintendent (Paul Brink): 518-773-1054
– Johnstown Highway Superintendent (Jack Smullen): 518-725-5116
What do I need to do if I am planning on building a new structure or addition?
All new structures and many additions require the approval of the Peck family per our deeds. You can find out more about the process by clicking this link.