Clif Wassel, Lake Committee Chairperson — On Tuesday, May 30th, the second deposit container drive for 2023 was held. The container collection was record-breaking with 10,741 donations collected.
Bill Matuszak and Clif Wassel collected the containers from the South Shore Road, Steve Atcheson and John Dackow collected on the North Shore Road. The donations were collected at 9 AM and brought to the Peck Marina for sorting.
A satellite sorting session was held on Monday May 29th to process the generous donations from Heather Werner’s family. Heather and Bill Matuszak sorted over 3,000 items during this session, greatly adding to this month’s overall collection.
The Tuesday donations were sorted by a skilled and zealous team of Jed Conboy, Steve Atcheson, Jim McCulley, John Dackow, Richard Coffee, Evan Dopf, Beth Flynn, Heather Werner, Bill Matuszak, and Clif Wassel. These volunteers were out in full force processing donations. The entire process was expedited by the numerous volunteers that answered the call for help this month.
This was the first sorting session for 2023 and as to be expected some retraining was necessary. Whether to dump the bags on to the ground or to use bins on the table top was a short lived discussion with both methods being used in the end because of the limited number of bins available. The excellent support for this effort was greatly appreciated.
Thanks to everyone for their numerous contributions (10,714 containers in total). This month’s collections netted $642.84. A total of $999.74 has been collected during 2023 for this effort. If you missed this container drive you will have to wait until Wednesday July 5th to participate.
Any questions, please feel free to contact Clif Wassel 518-461-0714 or John Dackow 518-858-0217.
The fish thank you.