Gloversville Public Library Budget Vote

This notice courtesy of Dick Carlson


11 AM – 8 PM


The annual budget vote and election of trustees for the Gloversville Public Library will take place this coming Tuesday, May 2 from 11 am to 8 pm at the Gloversville Public Library. To be eligible to vote you must be a duly registered voter residing within the Gloversville Enlarged School District (all of the Peck Lake community is located within the District).

The proposed budget for the 2022-2023 fiscal year calls for a total tax levy of $613,695, which is an increase of $60,000 over the current fiscal year. This translates into a projected tax rate increase of approximately 8 cents per $1,000 of assessed valuation, or $8 for a property assessed at $100,000 at a 100% equalization rate (final tax rates will be established later this year once final equalization rates are set by the state).

Staff payroll and related costs for its full time and part time employees comprise just over three-quarters of the library’s annual operating budget, and much of this year’s budget increase is related to continued increases in the State minimum wage.

The Library’s goal is to meet the community’s evolving needs during this challenging time, and to do so within the framework of a responsible budget. In response, its staff significantly reimagined its services and offerings in order to reach more people, in more ways. Whether in the building, online, or out in the community, the Library provides essential access to information and entertainment to the citizens of our community. It offers a variety of programs for adults, teens, and youths in our community and has inaugurated a number of new services for the benefit of all. Information about these programs and services and the proposed budget can be found on the Library website:

In addition to the budget vote, two positions on the Board of Trustees are up for election to serve a five year term. Three candidates are on the ballot: Richard Carlson, Susan Shrader and Darcelle Etkin. Information about these candidates can also be found on the Library website.